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Tax Bill Stands Still

Toney's Tax TakeawayEven though the bill moving through Congress now that contains retroactive tax provisions passed the House quickly with a rare bi-partisan vote, it looks like the Senate is at a stand-still.

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Economic Substance

Toney's Tax TakeawayI’m coming across more and more “tax strategies” that are actually just “tax fraud”. Usually, these strategies implement a complicated or convoluted entity structure in order to lessen or avoid taxes altogether. These are not legal, and the reason is the Economic Substance Doctrine.

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LLC Tax Misconceptions: What You Really Need to Know

Toney's Tax TakeawayIn the digital age, where social media doubles as a hub for financial advice, misconceptions about taxes and business structures are rampant. One prevalent myth is the notion that simply forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC) unlocks a treasure trove of previously unavailable tax deductions. Let's set the record straight.

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